Evendons Area Community Wildlife Survey – Join In Now!

Welcome to Our Community Wildlife Survey 2024.

Greetings, fellow nature enthusiasts and concerned residents!

We are excited to launch our Community Wildlife Survey, an initiative aimed at gathering valuable data on the flora and fauna in our area.

Our local wildlife is a treasure that enriches our lives and sustains the delicate balance of our ecosystem. As stewards of our environment, it is our duty and privilege to understand and protect the diverse species that share our Evendons Area of Wokingham. We want to record species across Wokingham and Barkham, the more data the better!

This survey is more than just a count; it’s a way to connect with nature right on our doorsteps and to contribute to a cause that goes beyond our backyards.

We need your help.

The proposed Blagrove development has the potential to significantly alter our natural landscape. It is crucial that we, as a community, come together to assess the current state of our wildlife and anticipate the impact of such changes. Your observations will help paint a clearer picture of our local biodiversity and will be instrumental in informing the council’s decisions regarding the development.

Participation is easy and only takes a couple of minutes of your time. Whether you’re spotting birds from your kitchen window, observing insects in your garden, or encountering mammals during a stroll in the park, your contributions are invaluable.

Join us in this collective endeavour to monitor and safeguard Berkshire’s wildlife. Your contributions are invaluable in enhancing our comprehension of the local ecosystems and ensuring that the natural splendour we cherish today remains accessible for future generations to appreciate.

Please take a moment to complete the survey form. Document the wildlife you’ve encountered in your garden or in proximity to your residence. Rest assured, individual data will remain confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties. The geographical information you provide will be instrumental in creating a comprehensive map of wildlife distribution across the region.