A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Supporters!

A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Supporters!

Dear Friends and Community Members,

This evening, we gathered together, united by a common cause, and I am thrilled to share that our collective efforts have paid off! Thanks to each and every one of you who marched, donated, contributed, and showed your unwavering support, we successfully convinced the Planning Committee to overturn the Planning Office’s recommendation and reject the application. Together, we made a difference!

Your Impact Matters

From the very beginning, it was clear that this was not just about a single application; it was about our community, our values, and our shared vision for the future. Your participation in the march was nothing short of inspiring. The energy, passion, and determination displayed by everyone involved sent a powerful message to the Planning Committee that our voices matter.

Gratitude for Your Contributions

To those who donated, your generosity provided the resources we needed to amplify our message and ensure that our voices were heard loud and clear. Every contribution, big or small, played a crucial role in our success.

A Community United

Tonight’s victory is a testament to what we can achieve when we come together as a community. It shows that when we stand united, we can influence decisions that affect our lives and the environment we cherish. Your support has not only made a difference in this particular case but has also strengthened our community bonds and encouraged us to continue advocating for what we believe in.

Moving Forward

While we celebrate this significant win, let us also remember that our journey doesn’t end here. We must remain vigilant and engaged, ready to face any future Appeals that may arise.

Thank you once again for your incredible support. Let’s keep this momentum going and continue to work together for a brighter future!

With heartfelt gratitude,

Ian Andrews

Ian Andrews
