14 June 22 – Meeting Update


Full minutes will be published in due course; however, I can report that residents met at the school on 14th June and agreed to set up a committee to support the residents of the Evendons Area in protecting the countryside.

Berkeley Homes – Blagrove Meadows

What is clear from the recent meetings and the comments made by residents is the strong opposition to the proposed development by Berkeley Homes.

The committee voted unanimously to:

  • Coordinate opposition to Berkeley Homes’s proposed development
  • Create a “Save Blagrove Countryside” Campaign (or a better name, if anyone has a suggestion)
  • Fundraising to support website, newsletters, banners and leaflets
  • Agree on regular meetings and locations
  • Come up with a plan to explore all areas that (once submitted) a planning application could be challenged and rejected.

Next steps

We will meet regularly over the coming weeks to ensure we are ready; if Berkeley does submit a planning application, we are ready. We will be working to divide up the areas of focus and ask residents to work together to create responses to all the areas we can oppose the application, including air quality, traffic, flooding, environment and many others. We will need a lot of help, and everyone can help.

We will also meet with other local groups who have successfully stopped unwanted developments for tips and advice.

The next meeting is at 7:30 pm on Tuesday 21st June 2022, the venue to be confirmed.

If you have any questions or want to help, please email save.blagrove@evendons-area.org.uk

What is EARA?

The Evendons Area Residents Association is an independent, non-political organisation of residents.

It aims to help protect the environment and character of our part of the town of Wokingham, influence local development planning, encourage conservation of open spaces, support local business and try to ensure that the amenities are maintained and improved.

EARA 2022

In 2013 the residents of Evendons Lane and the surrounding area gathered as a Residents Association to try to maintain the local environment and help ensure that any development on land surrounding Leslie Sears and Viking field was appropriate.

The aim is not to replace or conflict with existing organisations and fill any gaps where their constitution or rules do not allow them to be involved in issues (such as opposing planning applications).

Ian Andrews
