Community Update: Ongoing Consultations and Upcoming Wildlife Survey

Dear Residents,

We hope this message finds you well. We are writing to provide you with the latest developments regarding the proposed construction project in our area.

As of now, the developer is actively engaged in consultations with the Wokingham Borough Council Planning Department. We wish to clarify that, thus far, no formal recommendation has been made, nor has a date been scheduled for the planning committee to convene.

In our commitment to preserving the integrity of our local environment, we are in the process of organising a wildlife survey and will ask for your help. This initiative is aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of the potential impact the proposed development may have on our cherished natural surroundings.

Rest assured, we will keep you informed with more detailed information as soon as it becomes available.

Thank you for your continued support in safeguarding our community’s welfare.

Warm regards,

Ian Andrews – Evendons Area Residents Association

Please feel free to adjust the closing with your association’s name and any other details you may wish to include. If you need further assistance or modifications, let me know!

Ian Andrews
