Blagrow Meadows

Many of you will have received a letter from Berkeley Homes, the British property development and house-building plc. They propose building a major development of 375 houses on fields in the Evendons Area. This development would cover an area from the Barkham road, near the Lethern Bottle pub, to bordering Viking Field. See a copy of their letter to residents at the bottom of this page.

375 property development proposed on green fields at Evendons

On 3rd May 2022, a residents’ meeting was held to discuss the project. You can read the minutes here. There had been similar plans submitted by other developers in the past which were rejected. The feeling from residents is that this development should also be rejected. A new committee and group to oppose the development will be formed, with over 100 residents adding their names to the campaign.

This isn’t the formal statutory consultation that Wokingham Borough Council will carry out when they receive an application; this is the developer’s own consultation. The advice given at the residents’ meeting was it’s important that members of the community do engage. If no one engaged and the application went to appeal, it wouldn’t look good. However, it’s also important to remember that anything said in a consultation can be incorporated into their planning application.

There is information and a survey from the developer online at They are also holding a session at the Evendons school on Friday. 27th of May 2022, from 6.30 pm until 8 pm.

We would encourage residents to addend, and the suggested approach would be to ask Berkeley Homes questions rather than make statements. Remember any comments made may be recorded and used as support for the project. Their survey is disappointing as it is rather leading, and for question one, there is no option for “none of the above”. You may want to mention this!

Ian Andrews
